Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Using angelina film

As promised I am sharing the photos I took while making the peacock card for the 52 card challenge.

I first painted the card using the credit card technique. I put blue paint at one end of the card and used a plastic card to spread the paint across the card. I then did the same thing with a purple paint and you get the effect seen here. If you do it while the paints are both wet you get some mixing of color. I didn't do the second coat evenly so some of the original blue shows through the gaps.

This photo shows the Angelina film I used. It can also be known as Textiva film. I have had it a while but it is usually sold by textile retailers or maybe a mixed media supplier. I scrunched it up for texture and glued it to the card with white glue. The glue didn't seem to hold it well so I added a line of stitching around the edge to make it secure. When the film is heated it shrinks and pulls so I wanted to make sure it wouldn't come off.

I held the card with clips over a teflon craft sheet. I then used a heat gun to shrink and make holes in the film. I do this outside so I don't breath the fumes in. Leave it clipped down until it cools or the card may curl. I did not need to trim the film because it shrank to the stitching when I heated it.

You will notice the finished color of the film is very different to the color before heat is applied. You never know what you will get and that is part of the fun of using this film.

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