No I haven't abandoned my blog. Sorry I have been away for so long, it wasn't what I intended. My back yard project took a little longer than expected. Once you start a big project sometimes little ones keep popping up that need seeing to first so then you can finish off the big one. It is a little like starting a painting and some sections taking longer than you imagined they would. Eventually it all comes together at the end. I also had a few health issues crop up like a sprained wrist that kept me away from the computer but that is all cleared up now and I am back in the studio again.
I will post my latest Life Book pages today.
This lesson was about a realistic style face. I chose an old photo of
myself. The painting looks ok but I don't think it really looks like me.
I think I will stick with whimsy style faces for now. This mixed media
piece is acrylics, pan pastels, pencils and markers. The butterfly is a
stitched on charm.
The lesson for this week was a calendar page and another face page next
to it. We were meant to be honoring our present and for me that was the
garden I was creating in our back yard. I decided not to do the face and
wanted to do the flowers (grevilleas) I was planting for the birds that
visit our garden. Then I decided to combine the pages together into one
piece. It is probably my favourite page so far. The whole page is
watercolour except for the calendar entries that are done with marker
and pencil.

The next lesson was a doodling exercise. I am not really a doodler of
abstract style images. When I doodle it is really little sketches of
realistic images so that is what I did on my page. I started with the
quote so I could make sure it fit on the page. Then I started sketching
the flowers with pencil on the right hand side and up to the top of the
page. I went over the flowers with pen and decided it was taking too
long to do it with pencil first so I sketched the rest of the flowers
with the pen only. I went around each image twice to give it a sketchy
look. I haven't done that before but I like the way it turned out. The
colour was added with Twinkling H2O watercolours. It sparkles in the

The last lesson I have to share with you was inspired by the artist
Audrey Kawasaki. It was with Rhomany and again is about the present.
When I looked at the original inspiration I was amazed. Audrey does the
most beautiful work and her cut out designs are gorgeous. My finished
piece ended up being a combination of Audrey's and Rhomany's work. It is
pen with coloured pencils. I did the name like Rhomany showed us then
drew the flowers and grid myself. I added a quote to the border. The
whole page was cut out like Audrey does with her pictures and a few
spots of colour were added behind the grid.
I am very happy that Life Book has moved away from only doing faces. I like to explore other subjects for art. I will be back later in the week to share other pieces I have been working on for a different class I am doing with Jane Davenport.