First I will share the little demo piece I made for my technique book using the rusty materials that I made with the textile group. I tried to use some of each fabric that I had colored with rust and dye. I added some hand stitching with the rusted threads I made (I had saved the cotton string that I wrapped the rusting objects with) and a little bit of green thread.
Next I am sharing my week 9 DLP pages. The left is my writing exercise for this week, using journaling boxes and filling them with words. I like the way this looks and will use it in the future. The page on the right is a technique I learned from 21 secrets a couple of years ago and fun to do. It is a bit of doodling but not excessive so I didn't get bored with it. A few people mentioned this would make a great quilt and I can see it as a fabric wall hanging or something. I may use a version of it soon.

This page is my watercolors for March which is summer time here. Simple sketches and watercolors.
After this I spent a lot of time experimenting with a new textile technique I learned with my group. It is sun painting and was a lot of fun. I will share the details and examples next time I blog.
The final piece I am sharing is from an art workshop I did over the weekend. It was with David Wells who is a master pastel artist. His portraits are incredibly realistic but very captivating too. I have not properly used pastels before (only played with pan pastels a bit) so it was new for me. It was also my first realistic portrait. I am pleased with the way it came out and although I can see where I need to improve I had a really fun time. David was very sharing with his knowledge and encouraging to all.
Best of all I really liked using the pastels. In the past when I have tried them I didn't see the possibilities of this medium but now my eyes have been opened. I may even like them more than painting because I love not having to clean up paint and paint brushes. When I finished for the day I just put the pastel down and walked out of the studio. I have broken my self imposed embargo on buying new art supplies and ordered a whole bunch of new products to continue with the pastels. My heart is fickle when it comes to any form of art....I love them all.