Zipper cover. Original page with details:

Inside Cover. This was an old cross stitch cushion. I removed the back and added some extra stitching on the borders for interest.

I blogged about this circle here:
For this book I added the background then used the same colour thread as the circle to make the two more harmonious.
This is an experimental technique I learned from the Workshop on the Web course run by Maggie Grey. It used lutrador, stamping and water soluble paper.

I previously blogged about this page here:

This page uses art mediums for texture on textiles. I am planning to make this my next video technique so I will explain more then.

I previously blogged this page here:
The technique for this one is monoprinting on fabric and will be a future blog post with more details then.
I added embroidery and also circles of various textiles that I had experimented with. The raised circles are Dorset Buttons. You can find many examples of these on the internet.

This page started out as two rectangles with 2 flower images as the focal point. I decided to do two different colour schemes for the flower images so they ended up on two pages instead. The focus for this page was the original silk screened image and various coloured pieces of textiles including green painted dress making pattern tissue. I added a lot of lace and sheer fabrics on the white background. There is a lot of hand stitching on this page.

This textile collage was based around the bird postcard I did for a swap last year. I made two so I could keep one. The background is crinkled, painted satin. I will explain the technique in full later in the year.

Previously explained here:
Previously explained here:

Previously explained here:
Another textured textile that will be further explained in the next technique video.

The page I made to display this previously shared (Fibres West) machine embroidery. I kept it simple to highlight the embroidery.

Another page of machine embroidery that was shared here:
Fibres West

The second rectangle based textile. I used another silk screened flower image as the focal point then added a lot of similar colours. This one is mostly machine stitched and has a patched background. The original rectangle was placed in the center this time.

Previously explained here:

The back inside cover is another cross stitch no longer needed as a cushion. One of the reasons I use these old embroideries in my new books is to show how I first started in textiles, using other peoples patterns.
I meant to put this one at the front of the book but messed it up when stitching the book together. I always try to put my name inside the front cover so it won't be stolen if left on display somewhere.
I hope you have enjoyed this close up look into my journal and are inspired to make one of your own. As you can see I don't pick a theme or stick to one technique. I use the books as a way to contain all of my experiments. It would look great if you did want to pick a theme and do a book based on one idea like photos you took on a trip, or family. Maybe I should try that too....